From 2022-03 to 2022-04, we published 0 reports, 4 automations, 5 examples using crosscompute
We did not publish any reports from 2022-03 to 2022-04.
- Place Microgrids is a crude port of an updated algorithm for optimizing the placement of a microgrid given a set of buildings.
- Turn Markdown to PDF generates a PDF from markdown text.
- Make QR Code generates a QR image from custom data.
- Diff Texts is a thin wrapper around the bash command-line
- Gather Packages is a form where you can submit an open source package that would be useful as an online tool.
- Gather Creators is a form where you can submit an organization profile to be featured in our upcoming marketplace.
- Watch CPU Usage is a dashboard for monitoring CPU usage using
. - Watch CPU Usage History is a dashboard for monitoring CPU usage over time using
. - Watch RAM Usage is a dashboard for monitoring RAM usage using
. - Watch RAM Usage History is a dashboard for monitoring RAM usage over time using
- crosscompute adds support for
. - crosscompute-views-map adds support for
display.pages > id=automation > design=none
. - crosscompute-printers-pdf 0.3.2 adds support for custom print folders.
- jupyterlab-crosscompute 0.2.2 now saves notebooks before launching the development server.
- Documentation for the framework is online. Please see configuration.yml for available configuration options.
We have slowly begun the process of migrating content from our two legacy platforms. There is still a long way to go before reaching feature parity with both legacy systems, but we will focus on migrating content first and restore features along the way.
Phase 0
- Backup and close invisibleroads-server-20200510
- Backup and close crosscompute-sandbox-20200409
- Move crosscompute-forum to linode
Phase 1
- Run automations using containerized workers (Legacy 1)
- Upload datasets (Legacy 1)
- Backup information from Confluence
Phase 2
- Edit maps (Legacy 1)
- Edit electricity networks (Legacy 2)
- Review and restore selected tools from Legacy 2
Phase 3
- Review and restore selected tools from Legacy 1
- Review and restore selected results from Legacy 2
- Review and restore selected results from Legacy 1
Phase 4
- Sign in with Google (Legacy 1)
- Gather users from Legacy 1
- Gather users from Legacy 2
Phase 5
- Migrate remaining crosscompute-examples from
- Migrate remaining crosscompute-examples from 0.8.4
- Edit notebooks in Jupyter (Legacy 1)
Phase 6
- Implement programmable forms with progressive disclosure
- Migrate remaining crosscompute-examples from 0.9.1
- Review and restore selected notebooks from Legacy 1
Phase 7
- Run automations using automated workers (Legacy 1)
- Backup and close crosscompute-server-20200927
- Backup and close crosscompute-server-20190423
Phase 8
- Pay subscriptions (Legacy 1)
- Restore user profiles (Legacy 1)
- Implement organization profile
Phase 9
- Upload datasets to cloud storage (Legacy 2)
- Configure projects/workspaces (Legacy 2)
- Deploy automation from Jupyter (Legacy 1)
Phase 10
- Implement manual workers
- Implement distributed marketplace
Here are some screenshots of earlier versions of the platform.
Legacy 1 Home
Legacy 1 Map Input
Legacy 1 Tool Run Options
Legacy 2 Sign In
Legacy 2 Tool Run Interface
Legacy 2 Electricity Network View
Legacy 2 Electricity Network Edit