2022-08 Analytics Content
From 2022-05 to 2022-08, we published 0 reports, 7 automations, 3 examples using crosscompute
We did not publish any reports from 2022-05 to 2022-08.
- Learn Examples in JupyterLab starts a JupyterLab session with the CrossCompute extension.
- Compute Benefit Cost Ratio is a rough port of a benefit cost ratio calculator.
- See Airport Traffic estimates the time it takes to travel to the airport from different parts of a city. Read a tutorial on how to make this dashboard.
- Report Internet Speed records user-contributed internet speeds from different locations.
- Map Internet Speeds maps user-contributed internet upload and download speeds.
- Report Cell Tower records user-contributed cell towers from different locations.
- Map Cell Towers maps user-contributed cell towers.
- Report Electricity Outage records user-contributed electricity outages from different locations.
- Map Electricity Outages maps user-contributed electricity outages.
- Generate Random Points Within Region makes random points within a polygon.
- crosscompute adds support for
view: frame
,engine: podman
variables. - crosscompute-views-map adds support for
view: map-mapbox-location
and improves viewport updates. - crosscompute-printers-pdf 0.3.2 did not have changes since the last release.
- jupyterlab-crosscompute 0.2.3 is a version bump.
- Documentation for the framework is online. Please see configuration.yml for available configuration options.