CrossCompute Website 1.7.1 Release Notes

This release features several fixes and enhancements from 20180125 to 20180217.

  • Notebook sessions should save more reliably. In the past, sessions that used too much memory sometimes failed to save.
  • When are you generating CSVs for maps, WKT coordinates are now assumed to be in (longitude, latitude) coordinate order. If you want to be explicit about which coordinate order you are using, you can specify LONGITUDE_LATITUDE_WKT or LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_WKT as the column name.
  • We added three clickable icons at the upper left of the notebook session to make it easier to navigate to the File List, Session Terminal and Published Notebook.

  • To backup your work during a notebook session, you can click the white paper plane button (to the left of the blue preview and red deploy buttons) on the toolbar.
  • We replaced geometryIO with geotable as the standard package for reading and writing spatial vectors.

This release corresponds with crosscompute-types 0.7.6 and crosscompute-notebook-extensions 0.5.2.